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Master's study in Turkey

Many students around the world want to continue their education after the bachelor's degree and continue to the master's degree and complete it in all various fields. One of the most popular destinations for students to do this is Turkey. Turkey is one of the countries that cares greatly about science and students and is full of various educational facilities from schools, universities and various colleges for all specializations. Science in Turkey is distinguished by its development and sophistication.

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Advantages of studying in Turkey

All Turkish cities now have various universities and colleges, which has led to an increase in the number of universities, colleges and students throughout the country. The number of university students reached 3 million and 107 thousand students in 2010, while the number of students was 2 million and 949 in the past. The number of university teaching staff is about 77,100 thousand. Six Turkish universities were selected from among

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PhD study in Turkey

Advantages of studying for a doctorate in Turkey The doctorate is the stage in which the student delves deeper into his chosen specialization and is supervised by professors specialized in his field of study. The idea of continuing studies until reaching the doctorate stage has become common among students in an attempt to reach the highest academic degrees and then practical ones. The doctorate degree is divided into two types: The first type is the doctorate

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Studying a bachelor's degree in Turkey

Advantages of studying for a bachelor’s degree in Turkey Studying in Turkey is an advanced and developed matter and has many advantages. The following are considered among the most important advantages of studying in Turkey: High standards of education and training: Turkish universities are considered among the best universities; as they provide opportunities for higher education with the best international standards, and have successful faculty members and an integrated educational system according to standards

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public universities

Turkish public universities Turkish public universities are among the best universities in the world in terms of the quality of education and diversity of cultures. The Turkish state, like all other countries, has a range of levels of its universities between modest and very advanced, with a high global ranking and names among the developed countries of the world. However, what distinguishes Turkey is the huge number of universities, which is close to

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Turkish government scholarship

What is meant by free Turkish scholarships? Free Turkish scholarships are a scholarship provided by the Turkish government to international students from all over the world, and are considered one of the most famous scholarship programs around the world, due to the fact that they include almost all specializations and all academic stages: bachelor's, master's, and doctorate. The Turkish government also offers no less than 4,000 scholarships annually. On the other hand

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The best private universities

If you want to study in Turkey, you have three ways to join Turkish universities: First: Private universities in Turkey Second: Government universities in Turkey Third: Free Turkish scholarships Turkish private universities are distinguished and preferred by many students from different parts of the world who wish to study abroad. One of their best and most important features is that they do not require any tests

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