
Application data

%photo% %fullname%
University %university% Major %major%
Degree %degree% number and date %id% | %registration_date%
Status %status%
Status details %status_details%
E-mail %email% Telephone number %phone%
Nationality %country% Passport number %passport_number%
Date of Birth %birthdate% Gender %gender%
Father's name %father_name% Mother's name %mother_name%
Modifier (%) %%high_school_avarage% Family income $%family_monthly_budget%
the address %address%
passport copy %passport_doc% transcript image %transcript_doc%
certificate photo %certeficate_doc% motivation letter %motivation_letter_doc%
Recommendation letter 1 %recommendation_Letter_doc_1% Recommendation letter 2 %recommendation_Letter_doc_2%
Curriculum Vitae %cv_doc% Language Certificate %lang_certificate_doc%
Additional documents %other_docs% Referral Code %agency_code%
Additional Notes %notes%